What do You do When Someone Hurts You So Much?


Over the years, there are a few people who have me hurt me beyond words. And I’m sure you can relate.

My stepmother did something to me that negatively impacted my life in ways I can’t even explain. For years, I cried day and night wondering why she could hurt someone’s child to that extent, moreover she has her own kids. I tried so hard to understand why God was so silent while I pleaded with Him to rescue me from the pain and negative consequences that her actions had created in my life, in vain.

Something else I held onto for years was the racism I experienced at a workplace, and from people I met in different organizations. Misfortune seemed to follow me around. Then, the discriminative tendencies from my in-laws, who treated me like I was less of a human being because I am black, almost rendered me…

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When Doubt Attacks Faith: or Can it?


Faith is under-related, at least in my experience. It is easier said than done to have unwavering faith when your world seems as if it is tipped over and at the verge of crashing. Doubt creeps in like a thief in the night without warning and promotes all sorts of fears, to reason you out of generating the faith you need to transcend whatever challenge is at hand.

Often, I am faced with challenges that render me speechless. Times when I don’t know what to say or do. And much as I know that faith is available for me to dwell on, for some weird reason I allow the doubt to take over. And the moment this happens the ego steps in and delivers thoughts that weaken me even further. And the more I believe these thoughts, the more I feel defeated. But when I realize that everything is just…

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