Is your Heart Suffering? 3 Steps to Soothing an Aching Heart


I relate to those times when someone breaks your heart so much that you practically feel as if your heart is moving, twisting, pulling and pushing against your chest. The more you fight this emotional pain, the more it cements itself in your consciousness and persistently presents itself in your mind. It feels so real—you actually have visual descriptions.   

Everything and everyone around you looks like the enemy. The temperature feels cold and hot simultaneously. Your skin might start itching. You may even start smelling things that don’t exist. You feel pain in places you never thought you had. If you are lucky, you may fall asleep; but then wake up after a few minutes tossing and turning as if your bed is filled with bedbugs. “Life sucks.” You think to yourself.  Nothing that your friends or loved ones say that makes you feel better. You actually feel like screaming at them; cursing them; spitting in their faces.


So, how on earth do you soothe your suffering heart? This is a 3 step proven process that I have used in the past that has helped me soothe my aching heart–almost instantly.

  1. Examine how you feel. Write down all the negative feelings that you are experiencing.
  2. Take time thinking about each of the emotions. 
  3. As you think about them, start tapping at your karate chop point severally, with either hand, as you repeat these ho’oponopono healing statements: I’m sorry: Please forgive me: Thank you: I love you: Repeat these statements as you focus on each of the negative feelings that you have until you feel a sense of relief.

***This process works whether you acknowledge it or not. By tapping on your karate chop point as you think about these emotions, you are facing them; not resisting them. This is a good thing—because whatever we resist persists.

By the way, have you read the must-have book – Love, Men and Money: How to Attract and Retain them This book includes detailed healing techniques based on the magical tools of EFT, Ho’oponopono and Self-inquiry. You will get to deal with the root causes of your emotional patterns. Check it out at or Kindle format at:  or check out


Love and light

Alone this Valentine’s Day? Three Steps to Eliminating Loneliness

It’s Valentine’s Day; a day for lovers…a day that humanity has globally decided to surrender in the name of love. Although it’s actually better to love every breathing hour of our lives, we live in social structure that advocates for celebrating love one day a year, so let’s just go with the flow. Also, I guess there are things we just have to give in to; although not internally, but at the very least externally.

If you are reading this article right now, then you could be alone…or maybe not. Maybe you know someone who is. Whatever your story is, I just want to remind you that the decisions you make today will determine your experiences tomorrow. A decision as simple as establishing your self-limiting belief why you are single could be a great starting point.

So, let’s get to it.

Get a paper; come-on. Don’t be shy.

1. Write down 3 self-limiting beliefs that come in your mind to defend the reason as to why you are single especially if you don’t want to.
2. Write down three ways that these beliefs make you feel.
3. Think of the funniest song you’ve ever heard; one that made you laugh. Go to YouTube or sing it as loud as you can. Dance along.

We just made the first step towards disrupting your brain frequencies in relation to those beliefs.
Soon, and I promise, soon, I will continue with 3 more steps to get you or someone you know out of the loneliness Rat Race.

By the way, have you read the book – Love, Men and Money; How to attract and Retain them? It includes detailed EFT and Ho’oponopono healing techniques to help one get rid of emotional, psychological and mental blockages once and for all. You may wanna check it out, or or if you love kindle stuff.

Love and light.
Happy Valentines my friend.

Don’t Tell Them


Humans often have a tendency to share especially bad news or challenges that we may be facing. We’ve been programmed to rely on others for comfort. Indeed, telling someone about what has hurt you, or what you are going through, normally makes one feel better. What we don’t understand is that when we share a sad or negative story with especially friends, 98% will never forget what you told them. The issue is: whenever you speak to, or see this person, their brain automatically retrieves information about you. Consequently as they listen to you, even if the discussion is a more positive one, the negative story you shared with them still lies at the back of their minds. And if they care about you, they’ve probably worried about your situation often and again.

The problem with this mental activity is that it gets more people, you and whoever you told your sad/negative story to think about it. Thus, the thought vibrations invested in that story increase. Considering that what we think about appears in our experiences, since you have more than one person thinking about your worries, you are on a definite trend to manifest more negatives. Moreover if you are unlucky and the person you told your negative experience or event loves sharing, you then have more thought portals joining the negativity construction team.

Therefore, it is advisable that in the midst of trouble, the first person you tell is your higher-self; the kingdom of God that dwells within you. Once you remain still and start surrendering the unwanted experience, this lowers its emotional weight on you. With a more relaxed attitude, even if you share the story or challenge with your loved ones, you won’t be alarming; and so, they won’t get worried about you as much. This also encourages a positive attitude, because then the people you’ve shared the story with are confident that you are emotionally channeled to handle the challenge.

Meditation is a proven way to release stress and anxiety. And if you are a beginner at this practice, it is advisable to begin with guided meditations. Check out a few free downloadable MP3 guided meditations on the internet—Kelly Howell is my favorite meditation facilitator. Better still, you may check out my simple guided meditations, with brain massage music in the background from

CD label daddyissues

CDlabel forgivenessDon’t Tell Them:

Meanwhile, whatever you do, please limit sharing your personal negative stories especially if you have not mentally and emotionally alleviated their negative impacts on you.

Love and light.

He is Not the Last Man Standing!!

So…there you are stuck with a man who makes you feel like killing yourself. He is the exact opposite of what you want. He makes you sick to the stomach. He reflects on everything that is not on your well-developed-standards’ list.

It could even be that he doesn’t love himself that much. How then would you expect him to love you? He probably has no idea about personal standards. Evidently he is far from extending similar attributes to you. Maybe he has told you stuff like; “I’m not sure about the future…I’m still figuring out what to do with my life…it is me, it’s not you…you are a wonderful person and you deserve better.” You’ve looked at him almost cross-eyed wishing that you were dreaming. But his words still rang in your head for days like the famous Sunday-village-church bells; yet you still can’t quit the relationship. You think he will change. You pray for him more than you pray for yourself. You have blind hope that things will get better. But they just get worse.

However, sadly, if a man doesn’t know what he wants, he’s far from appreciating, leave alone recognizing your exceptional attributes. Unfortunately with his state of mind, you are just part of his confusion…someone he is carrying along for convenience, entertainment, friendship or just sexual pleasure.
So my questions for you dear lady are:-

1. Why don’t you have the mental and/or emotional energy to move on?
2. What is it about your partner that is holding you back from moving on?
3. Why are you still lingering in a relationship that continues to demote your well being?
4. Could it be that you are so afraid of being alone?
5. Have you been negatively programmed with a limiting belief that love is hard to find?
6. Are you in a situation whereby even if you are so consciously aware that you are in a bad relationship, you still can’t get yourself to move on?

The starting point towards your liberation is acknowledging that there is a part of you that appreciates the drama…it feeds on it…can’t survive without it.

You need to understand that you can start again. You actually don’t need much to get to the bottom of things. All you need to do is stop resisting the situation-considering that whatever you resist persists.

Be good to yourself. Take time out and examine the good things about your life and focus on those. Write down whatever is good about your relationship. Invest in discovering one profound reason why you are with this man. Then base on this to establish whether it is worthy the pain.

In my book Love, Men and Money: How to Attract and Retain them, I explain in detail how one can dig deep to discover their self-limiting beliefs and the root causes; how they can get themselves out of negative relationships; the revolutionary proven techniques that can be employed to erase any related negative programming; and the tools that will help one attract unconditional love for the self, and from others. The book will take you through a journey of self-examination, and renewal.

Click here to check out The 14 Days Love Liberation Boot Camp, a ground-breaking healing program that will help one heal from the cellular level.

In the interim, I have attached a FREE EFT healing session to help anyone get an edge off any negativity that could be binding them to vampire-like relationships.
Click here to access the free video.

Please let me know how you feel after going through the session for a couple of days. And…it’s okay if you share this article and free video with anyone you know might need them.

Love and light.

Are you FREE??? – Introducing the 14 Days Love Liberation Boot Camp at 50% for a limited time only:

“Are you free?” is a mind-blogging question that my grandmother often asked me in my teenage years. Then, I always looked at her like she was crazy, because I had long before concluded that she was a strange one. My grandmother, who unfortunately passed away on December 27, 2011, (seems like yesterday), was a Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Chiropractor, and an incredible Master Herbalist-with a gift that was passed down from a long, and profound family lineage.

Before she passed away, I got a chance to ask her about the implications of this question. She explained that freedom is the ability to see, feel, sense, touch, think, intuit, sleep, and make decisions based on one’s core being. She further narrated that as soon as you are born into this world, you are automatically branded and programmed by your immediate loved ones, society and the environment. From that moment forth, you see the world, not based on your experiences and convictions, but on people who teach you their own way of living. Although this changes as you grow older, and not all these programs limit your evolution, there is a big part of you that gets jailed up by representations and convictions that are not your own. So-when you find yourself blocked and stuck as an adult; you have to go back to your roots, get in contact with your spirit, unconscious mind and ask them what doesn’t belong to you; what could be limiting your evolution; and how you can liberate yourself in order to experience a more fulfilling life.

Based on this knowledge, my own research, experience as a spiritual healer, qualifications are an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technician, Neuro-linguistic Programmer, and Ho’oponopono-ist, I recently complied and recorded a revolutionary healing program titled – The 14 Days Love liberation Book Camp, that tackles all energetic, mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual parts of one, in order to identify any blockages that could be affecting their free, and full evolution.
This program – The 14 Days Love Liberation Boot Camp, will heal one from the cellular level, cleanse the soul and spirit, reprogram the subconscious mind, clean and tune up the chakras, deal with childhood memories, daddy issues, karmic codes, fear-to mention but a few.

Until June 6, 2013, the program will be discounted at 50%, offering it an incredible amount of just of $29.99.
Remember; Information is nothing until employed and enthusiastically infused into one’s being. Go get your copy today from

Link to program Trailer – – Pls go check it out.

To All Sisters Going Through Some Things:

This week, I decided to reach out to the sisters who might be going through some things. When I tell you that I understand, trust me- I do. A few years ago, at one point in my life, I found myself totally alone. And when I say “alone”, I mean ALONE. Domestically abused, heart-broken, regretful, no friends, culture- crash, no job, and with the only support from a family- living thousands and thousands of miles away. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, I had a death-threatening experience every time I drove on the free-ways. Besides consistently exiting at the wrong exits-and getting lost for hours, the free-way competition almost drove me insane. 

For every step forward, I took four backwards. I felt stuck, emotionally, mentally, and practically. Nothing in my world meant sense. And that’s just part of the story. However, my intention today is to make this about you…not me. 

I just wanna encourage you today-that regardless of whatever you are going through, you will get to the other end-if you can only hold on. Always remember that it is not where you are coming from, or what you are going through; it is what you want to achieve in life and how you plan on achieving it. Everything else is just a stepping stone to get you there. Failure is the mother of flexibility. It doesn’t mean that the world is ending.

One of the things I would recommend is meditation. I went on YouTube every single day and meditated for hours. There is a free website that might help you a great deal; link is Check it out, and go through some of their exercises. Also, there are days, I lay down and just deep-breathed for an hour. This made me feel better. What’s more, my, has a lot of free healing exercises that will help you feel more positive about life. Check it out.

Don’t give up. This is your life. Keep trying, keep hoping, do whatever it takes to cleanse your emotional, mental and physical bodies. Do a body cleanse if you can. Then, enthusiastically focus on thinking about the things you want in your life. 

Here is a link to a free EFT and Ho’oponopono healing session that will shift things for you.

Keep breathing.

Peace and blessings.

Are You Afraid of Being Alone??

Are you afraid of being alone? Or maybe you know someone who is? Whatever your story may be, I hope this article and brief-healing-exercise helps you in some way to heal that fear.

Apparently, and this is not news per-Se, energy flows where the attention is; implying that, as long as you are afraid of being alone, or is in a relationship with someone who makes you more sad than happy, then you will continue attracting similar situations. You attract what you are; what you think about all the time; and what scares the crap out of you.

I hope this healing exercise helps you to dissolve that fear-such that you can create space in order to attract a true and loving relationship in your life.

You may also wonna check out my new humor-self-help book written especially for women titled: – Love, Men and Money ( The book is based on research; and discusses real life examples, scenarios and solutions retrieved from the best mind and psychological healing proven techniques on the market.

Enjoy the exercise, and please feel free to share it with all your friends who may need it.

URL to Youtube video with the exercise:-

Happy tapping.

How long have you been single?

Okay…so you’ve been single for a while-right? How do you feel about it? How long have you been single? Who are you blaming for your situation? What is your relationship history?

In this issue, by “single” I am referring to anyone who has neither had sex nor related to anyone for a while, and/or those with several friends of “benefits.”  Being single could also imply that you do not have a permanent partner or someone you can refer to as being in a decent relationship with.

Before I proceed, I seek to remind you that although I am no expert in this field of love, I experienced the state of “being single” for years. And I mean SINGLE- with no friends of benefits or anything of the like. What gives me the authority in this subject is the healing path I pursued in sort for answers. And now as an NLP, EFT and Ho’oponopono Advanced Practitioner, I appreciate the spiritual aspect of relationships.

Firstly, all our experiences mirror our internal representations. What you are experiencing at the moment-being single in this issue, is a reflection of whatever is going in your mental, emotional and unconscious banks. The first questions to ask yourself are; what is it about you that do not want to be in a decent relationship? How do you know that you are single? What is your most profound negative memory of past relationships? What kind of partner do you want and why?

Once you solicit for these answers, you will be a step closer to discovering the root cause of your relationship status.  

The idea is to drop the victim-mentality attitude, go within, and let go of all the mental, emotional and unconscious memories/data or information that could be blocking you from attracting a love that you so desire. 

You can start by telling yourself every morning …”I forgive myself, and I am ready to let go of all the things that do not promote my unconditional self-love.” Say this 10 times-out loud or silently, as you tap in the center of your breast borne. 

Remember, everything begins from within. Wish-full thinking alone won’t manifest your heart’s desires.

Coming soon is my new book titled:- Love, Men and Money. Filled with humor, healing sessions and emotional freedom techniques, it’s every woman’s pocket bible.